Why Strata Score?
Strata Score understands that Strata Management is more than just the bricks and mortar of a building. It’s about creating relationships and being engaged with communities and people.
Industry Leading Team
We are proud to offer a large team of professional Strata Managers and support staff who are knowledgeable, highly qualified and fully educated in all areas of Strata Management.
Request a proposal
Request a proposal from one of our professional Strata Managers. They will contact you with an obligation-free assessment of management requirements for your strata property.
“I have developed a trusting relationship with my Strata Manager“
Jude L
Airbnb: Victorian apartment owners given green light to rent homes online
VICTORIAN apartment owners have been given the green light to rent their homes out on Airbnb in a landmark legal decision. The Supreme Court today ruled owners corporations were powerless to meddle with lot owners’ rights to let their units short-term in a turf war...
New building laws increase consumer protections
From 1 September 2016, builders must give a copy of the new Domestic Building Consumer Guide to their clients, before the client signs a major domestic building contract, following changes to Victorian building laws. The guide includes information about key things to...
Victorian Government floats smoking rules for owners corporations
People could be banned from smoking in their homes and on balconies under changes to property laws being floated by the Victorian government. For a while Peter Tosh felt like he was living in an ash tray. Photo: Penny StephensQuit Victoria and body corporate experts...
Office Location
Address: Level 14, 333 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000
Postal Address: PO Box 369, Ashburton, VIC, 3147
Telephone: 03 9899 1125
Email: reception@stratascore.com.au