by stratascore 01 | Oct 27, 2016 | Uncategorized
VICTORIAN apartment owners have been given the green light to rent their homes out on Airbnb in a landmark legal decision. The Supreme Court today ruled owners corporations were powerless to meddle with lot owners’ rights to let their units short-term in a turf war...
by stratascore 01 | Oct 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
From 1 September 2016, builders must give a copy of the new Domestic Building Consumer Guide to their clients, before the client signs a major domestic building contract, following changes to Victorian building laws. The guide includes information about key things to...
by stratascore 01 | Oct 19, 2016 | Uncategorized
People could be banned from smoking in their homes and on balconies under changes to property laws being floated by the Victorian government. For a while Peter Tosh felt like he was living in an ash tray. Â Photo: Penny Stephens Quit Victoria and body corporate experts...